included his name on COVID-19 stimulus checks and sent signed letters to recipients?
After a $1200 stimulus for each American was granted as part of the CARES Act in March, 2020, Trump required that all checks include his name. The last-minute decision likely slowed the sending of paper checks, though a large number of payments were done through direct deposit. This marked the first time a President’s name appeared on any IRS check.
Trump also wanted to have his signature on each check, but is not legally authorized to do so.

The White House also sent a letter, signed by Trump, to approximately 90 million Americans.

The Washington Post – His name on stimulus checks, Trump sends a gushing letter to 90 million people
The Washington Post – In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks
The New York Times – Getting a Stimulus Check? Trump’s Name Will Be on It
CNN – Trump’s name will be added to stimulus checks
CNN – Here’s what the stimulus checks with Trump’s name may look like