refused to join global efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine?

On September 1, 2020, the Trump administration announced that it would not join international efforts to develop a vaccine. Managed by the World Health Organization, contribution nations would have access to a portfolio of potential vaccines to ensure access to whichever ones are deemed most effective. In a worst case scenario, if US efforts to develop a vaccine were to fail, they would be left without an alternative.

The administration announced its withdrawal from the WHO the previous July, due to their belief that the organization is too “China-centric.”

On the day the decision was announced, the United States totaled 6,247,527 cases and 188,874 deaths.

The Washington Post – U.S. says it won’t join WHO-linked effort to develop, distribute coronavirus vaccine
Associated Press – US says it won’t join global effort to find COVID-19 vaccine
NPR – U.S. Won’t Join WHO-Led Coronavirus Vaccine Effort, White House Says
Worldometer – Coronavirus, United States