During his campaign, Trump’s personal doctor gave a full bill of health, concluding that he would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
The letter reads,
To Whom My Concern:
I have been the personal physician of Mr Donald J. Trump since 1980. His previous physician was my father, Dr Jacob Bornstein. Over the past 39 years, I am pleased to report that Mr Trump has had no significant medical problems. Mr Trump has had a recent complete medical examination that showed only positive results. Actually, his blood pressure, 110/65, and laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent.
Over the past twelve months, he has lost at least fifteen pounds, Mr Trump takes 81 mg of aspirin daily and a low dose of a statin. His PSA test score is 0.15 (very low). His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.
Mr Trump has suffered no form of cancer, has never had a hip, knee or shoulder replacement or any other orthopaedic surgery. His only surgery was an appendectomy at age ten. His cardiovascular status is excellent. He has no history of ever using alcohol or tobacco products.
If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.

“He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein later revealed to CNN. His office was subsequently raided for all of Trump’s medical records.
Trump was notorious for his fast food habits, and said that the body is like a battery such that exercise depletes its finite energy. Nevertheless, he may have received sufficient exercise through his regular golfing.
The Atlantic – The Bizarre Words of Donald Trump’s Doctor
BBC News- Donald Trump wrote own health letter, says physician Harold Bornstein
USA Today – Trump, not his doctor, wrote glowing 2015 letter on his health, physician now says
Business Insider – In stunning reversal, Trump’s personal doctor says Trump dictated a letter declaring he was in ‘astonishingly excellent’ health during the 2016 election
NPR – Doctor: Trump Dictated Letter Attesting To His ‘Extraordinary’ Health
The Atlantic – The Problem With Trump Dictating His Own Medical Assessment