withheld relief aid from Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria?

Trump’s administration stalled relief funding to the island after Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017. Though Trump asserted that the figure was inflated by Democrats to make him look bad, 2,975 died in the disaster, while 2,977 died across the attacks on 9/11 and 2,403 in Pearl Harbor. The Department of Housing and Urban Development missed a congressionally mandated deadline to begin the process for approving and distributing aid. While HUD acknowledged they had no standing to do so, they said that it was due to concern over “Puerto Rico’s capacity to manage these funds.” He has also invented inflated the figures for funding provided to justify denying funding.

When he finally signed a delayed disaster relief bill, he commented, “Puerto Rico should love President Trump. Without me, they would have been shut out!” Nevertheless, Puerto Rico only received a third of the money Congress had allocated.

Trump made headlines when he was photographed throwing paper towels to hurricane victims. He has also asserted that he’s the best thing that ever happened to the island.

As a US commonwealth, Puerto Ricans have full US citizenship.

The Washington Post – Trump seems to inflate the price tag for Puerto Rico’s recovery to deny funding Puerto Rico’s recovery
The Washington Post – Trump signs disaster relief bill delayed for months by his opposition to Puerto Rico aid
NBC News – Trump administration doubles down on opposition to Puerto Rico funding, drawing criticism
NBC News – HUD officials knowingly failed ‘to comply with the law,’ stalled Puerto Rico hurricane relief funds