scrapped a USPS plan to send free masks to all Americans amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

In April 2020, the USPS planned to deliver five reusable face masks to every residence and PO box. A press release had been drafted to announce the effort, but the plan was ultimately scrapped due to intervention from the Trump administration.

Instead, the Project America Strong program was established, which sought to distributed masks “to critical infrastructure sectors, companies, healthcare facilities, and faith-based and community organizations across the country.”

An administrative official explained that “There was concern from some in the White House Domestic Policy Council and the office of the vice president that households receiving masks might create concern or panic.”

The Washington Post – Newly revealed USPS documents show an agency struggling to manage Trump, Amazon and the pandemic
The Hill – White House nixed Postal Service plan to send face masks to every household in US: report
CNBC – White House abandoned plan to send 650 million face masks across the U.S. in April, report says