Anthony Scaramucci, a former Wall Street financier, served for a record 11 days as White House communications director.

He replaced Sean Spicer, who resigned after 6 months, and infamously defended verifiable lies from the White House, like claims of mass voter fraud and having the largest inaugural crowd size.
While Scaramucci’s behavior was erratic over the course of his tenure, Trump decided on dismissal after he railed against Chief of Staff Reince Preibus and chief strategist Steve Bannon in a phone call with The New Yorker. Shortly after, Preibus resigned and Bannon was fired.
The 11 day tenure has birthed a new form of measurement, the mooch.
The New Yorker – Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon
Reuters – Trump fires communications director Scaramucci in new White House upheaval
The Week – Anthony Scaramucci measures time in ‘Mooches’
Wikipedia – Anthony Scaramucci
NPR – Trump Chief Of Staff Priebus Is Out — In Biggest White House Staff Shake-Up Yet
The Wall Street Journal – Steve Bannon, Controversial Aide to Trump, Exits White House Staff