did nothing when Russia likely placed bounties on US soldiers?

It was revealed in June of 2020, that Russia was likely offering bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan. The intelligence was of medium confidence, meaning it was credibly sourced and plausible, but fell short of near certainty. Trump had been briefed in February about the bounty program. Large financial transfers were discovered between the Russian intelligence services and a Taliban-linked account, and Afghan sources alleged that up to $100,000 was offered per American.

Despite the bounty program, Trump advocated for Russia to be returned to the G7, though the proposal was rejected by its other members. Russia was removed from the economic forum in 2014 because of their invasion and annexation of the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine.

Trump said via tweet that he had never been briefed on the matter, labeling it as “fake news,” and claimed that “nobody’s been tougher on Russia than the Trump Administration.” He repeated this claim when asked about US intelligence indicating that Russia was attempting to influence the 2020 election.

In an August 3 interview, Trump said that he never raised the subject of Russian bounties with Putin.

Later in August, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo acknowledged that Russia offered bounties to militants, saying he and the US military warned Russian officials about possible repercussions.

Trump has criticized NATO since his 2016 campaign, and accepted Putin’s “strong and powerful” denial that Russia didn’t interfere in the 2016 election over the word of his own intelligence services.

The New York Times – Trump Got Written Briefing in February on Possible Russian Bounties, Officials Say
BBC News – Afghanistan war: Trump got written briefing on ‘Russia bounties’, reports say
The New York Times – Trump Still Defers to Putin, Even as He Dismisses U.S. Intelligence and the Allies
Military Times – Trump calls reports of Russian bounties on US troops a ‘hoax’
Axios – Exclusive: Trump never raised Russia’s Taliban bounties with Putin
The New York Times – Trump and Putin Discuss Russia’s Attendance at G7, but Allies Are Wary
Politico – Pompeo, Pentagon warned Russia against offering bounties for killing U.S. troops
Reuters – Most Americans believe Russia targeted U.S. soldiers, want sanctions in response – Reuters/Ipsos poll
Wikipedia – Russian bounty program