claimed that NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo rejected a recommendation to purchase 15,000 ventilators?

During a Fox News virtual Town Hall in which he claimed that America would suffer more deaths from economic closures than COVID19, Trump also attacked Cuomo for failing to purchase 15,000 ventilators. The remarks came amid the governor’s remarks that the state would need 30,000 more, which Trump said he didn’t believe.

Trump explained, “We’re building them hospitals, we’re building them medical centers, and he was complaining about – we’re doing probably more, definitely more for him than anybody else, and, uh, he was talking about the ventilators, but he should’ve ordered the ventilators. And he had a choice, he had a chance because right here, I just got this out that he refused to order 15,000 ventilators. I’ll show this to Bill, take a look at that, Bill, what does that say?” The host he was passing it to, Bill Hemmer, declined to take the paper, remarking, “Is this social distancing, here?”

Trump was referencing far-right conspiracy blog Gateway Pundit. However, there was never any option or suggestion to purchase 15,000 ventilators. The New York Department of Health reported in 2015 that the state would have a shortage of about 15,000 ventilators if a pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu arose, and also noted that this would be largely due to supply shortages across the country.

Cuomo explained, There is no state in the United States that bought ventilators for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. The federal government did not buy ventilators for the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Nobody in the world bought ventilators in preparation for a 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.”

During the same town hall Trump also claimed that shutting down the economy would be more deadly than COVID19 and said state governors should treat him well if they want help.

ABC News – Cuomo knocks Trump’s claim about NY and ventilators
Bloomberg – Cuomo Becomes Trump’s Target After Demanding Ventilators Now
Mediaite – WATCH: Trump Cites Conspiracy Blogger Gateway Pundit to Attack Andrew Cuomo Over Coronavirus and Ventilators – Trump’s Misleading Ventilator Counter-Punch at Cuomo