attacked late night hosts and comedy shows?

Before and after taking office, Trump has attacked a variety of comedians and late night hosts, including Jerry Seinfeld, Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Bill Maher.

Many late night hosts were happy to address the comments on their shows.

He also has attacked Saturday Night Live multiple times, though claiming that he doesn’t watch it. He referred to their anti-Republican bias as “the real Collusion” and was voiced his frustration that they would spend so much time attacking his administration “without retribution.” He suggested that the Federal Election Commission and Federal Communications Commission investigate.

Unsurprisingly, this also drew more attention from SNL and late night hosts.

Trump has also taken specific aim at Alec Baldwin for his impression of Trump on Saturday Night Live:

Michelle Wolfe was also mentioned several times for her comments during the 2018 White House Correspondent’s Dinner, which were derided as being too vulgar and inappropriate. Trump has refused to attend any Correspondent’s Dinner since becoming President, and was famously roasted by Obama and Seth Meyers at the 2015 Correspondent’s Dinner.

Newsweek – Trump Wants ‘Retribution’ Against SNL and Critical News, Calling Media ‘Enemy of the People’
USA Today – Trump sounds off on ‘no talent’ late-night hosts; Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert fire back